Friday, March 27, 2009

Thank you, Joe Parisi!

I wrote to my Wisconsin state representative, Joe Parisi, for the very first time this week. I confess that I don't follow state and local politics very closely. When they do gain my attention, it seems I am always playing a game of catchup until the national players regain my attention.

But recently the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice sent me a message via its Facebook group asking that I contact my state representatives to ask them to cosponsor state bill LRB 1256, which would require that the governor ensure that no Wisconsin Guard unit is unlawfully released into national service. "It directs the governor to review every federal call-up of the National Guard for its legality, and where there is no lawful basis for Guard federalization, to take action to keep the Wisconsin Guard at home."

Given our deep concern for our daughters and sons, brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers who have been deployed and redeployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and given the apparent difficulty of extricating ourselves from those destructive and costly military actions that aren't helping anyone or keeping anyone safer, it seems reasonable enough to ask the governor to review the deployment of Wisconsin's National Guard for national service.

So I wrote the following letter to Joe Parisi:

Dear Representative Parisi:

Please join as a cosponsor for LRB 1256, a bill that would require the governor to ensure that no Wisconsin Guard unit be unlawfully released into national service.

According to the law as set forth by the U.S. Congress, the states can assert their historic national defense responsibilities. Having a newly elected administration in Washington does not change the need for this legislation. In fact, this is exactly when we should emphasize the rule of law as a moral and practical requirement for the use of military force.

Thank you for your consideration of this very serious matter.

Best regards,

Mary Ray Worley

So today I heard back from him:

Dear Ms. Worley:

Thank you for your e-mail requesting my support for LRB 1256, which would allow for the Governor to review federal call-up of our state's National Guard. I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. I wanted to discuss the bill with its author, Representative Spencer Black, and learn more about the proposal. I spoke with Representative Black this morning and have signed on as a co-sponsor of this legislation.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention. If you have other questions or need more information about this proposal or any other pending legislation, please let me know.



State Representative

48th Assembly District

Amazing! I actually got the response I wanted. Now I'm feeling all powerful and buff. Further bulletins pending!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mary! That's awesome! A little surprising that he hadn't heard of it before you brought it to his attention -- and what a big difference your ONE voice made! It is a powerful reminder to all of us to keep speaking up -- our words and our passion matter!
