Thursday, January 1, 2009


On's "Open for Questions" voting, the question from Bob Fertik, "Will you appoint a Special Prosecutor—ideally Patrick Fitzgerald—to independently investigate the gravest crimes of the Bush Administration, including torture and warrantless wiretapping?" has 13,838 votes. It ranks first in its category and second overall, surpassed only by "I'm concerned about the banks who received taxpayer money and have had no accountability. Will this be corrected after President-elect Obama is in office?" with 14,206 votes.

The way this works is that Obama's team answers the top five questions, so we can look forward to a response to our question. Here's hoping that President-elect Obama gets the message that accountability is on the minds of the American people.

In the first round of voting on's "Ideas for Change in America," "Appoint a Special Prosecutor for the Crimes of the Bush Administration" came in second in its category (government reform), which qualifies it for the final round of voting, which begins on January 5.

We are making progress, we are getting others involved, we are fighting the good fight. Many, many thanks to all of you who are taking a stand and making your voices heard!

Update: Apparently the voting on is continuing. Our question is now #1 overall, with 15,079 votes. If you haven't already done so, please encourage your friends to vote. Thank you!

Update 2: Please join the the cause "Americans for Holding Bush Accountable" on Facebook.

Update 3: Our question is still in the lead on; we have 16,504 votes so far and the voting is still open.


  1. Hi Mary ~
    I did vote on New Year's Eve - and then wasn't online for almost 3 days. When I filled out one form you linked to, the response was "We hear you!" It is good to be heard! This post and the last were excellent -- I love your comparison with Bill Clinton -- geez, our values as a country have been so warped! It is totally time to change that! Thanks for letting us all know about this cause and making it easy to do something about it!

  2. Thanks for voting, Kathy, and thanks for your encouragement! It IS good to be heard, and when we add our voices together, we're definitely more than the sum of our parts.
